Beware, Not Wisely Manage Finance Can Make Your Life Disorganized, you know

There is a saying that money is not everything in this world. But in fact, your life can be disrupted if you do not wisely manage money, which can lead you to financial problems. Your health is the one that will experience the disorder. Both physically and mentally, both can be disrupted if you have financial problems. You might think, while having money it's good to use and spend it to fulfill everything you want. Your monthly salary runs out, without leaving any savings for the future. You dissipate, buy or credit something that you might not need. Then comes the unexpected time, where you are required to spend a short amount of money. But alas, you don't have any money saved. As a result, you might choose to go into debt here and there. Your salary every month is now not enough to pay for your life, because you have to pay off unpaid credit, debt plus interest, and other things. This is where you start experiencing the chaos of life due to financial problems. So, what are the negative effects of having financial problems on your life? The following explanation!
Impact on mental and physical health. According to an expert, people who have financial problems can experience financial stress. This is one type of severe stress, because people who experience it can lead an unhealthy lifestyle. For example, following an unhealthy diet, smoking, consuming excessive alcoholic beverages, or using illegal drugs. Well, maybe you feel better when you live like that. But, the feeling of comfort is only temporary. After the effect is finished, you can go back to being stressed or even more stressed than before.
Stress is also very closely related to several diseases such as:
  • Stomach ache
  • Diabetes
  • Migraine
  • Sleep disturbance
  • Obesity
  • Hypertension
  • Decreased sexual desire
  • Heart attack
Your ability to think clearly also decreases due to experiencing financial stress.
Family harmony is disturbed. The stress you experience can make it difficult for you to control your anger. You might get angry more often and fight with your spouse and children. It can have an impact on the overall condition of your family. Your spouse and child can also experience stress because of seeing your behavior patterns.
Your relationship with your partner also decreases, because in these conditions most people choose to stay away from their sexual needs. So, don't let you run into financial problems, yeah. Plan your expenses well every month. Set aside a percentage of your salary to meet daily needs, pamper yourself and your family, and for future savings, whether in the form of saving or investing. Having financial preparation can also make your mind calm, psychological and physical stability becomes healthy.


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