Gargle and Gargle for Oral Health

Gargling and gargling are beneficial for our oral health. By gargling, bad bacteria in the mouth can die. Dental and oral health is getting better and guaranteed. During this time we know the word rinse, which means to shake the liquid in the mouth. While the gargle is to shake the liquid at the base of the throat by tilting the head back 45 degrees, open the mouth, and exhale through the mouth so that the sound "ahhh" until the liquid bubbles. Gargling and gargling can overcome bad breath, refresh breath, relieve toothache, prevent tooth decay, reduce plaque, prevent gum and tooth pain, and so forth. Gargling and gargling can be done using plain water, salt water, or even over-the-counter mouthwash. In mouthwash, usually contains various substances which are certainly good for teeth and mouth. For example:
  • Fluoride, helps reduce tooth decay and prevent cavities,
  • antimicrobial, kill bacteria that cause bad breath, plaque, inflammation of the gums, sore gums,
  • salt, fragrances that can temporarily cover bad breath,
  • neutralizing odors, eliminating the causes of bad breath, and
  • whitening, helps fight stains on teeth.
In addition, there is also an antiseptic mouthwash containing povidone-iodine as much as 1 percent. According to research, the broadest spectrum povidone-iodine antiseptic is considered more effective against antimicrobials compared to other common antiseptics such as alcohol, chlorhexidine, octenidine, polyhexanide, and hexetidine. Povidone-iodine is also thought to be effective in killing spore bacteria, fungi, protozoa, and some viruses. Oh yes, when you rinse and gargle you should not be careless or careless so that the benefits of gargling for oral health can be felt as much as possible. For that, try to note the following steps:
  • Even though the mouthwash you purchased has included the mouthwash in the package, there is no harm in providing your own special clean mouthwash. This method is considered safer to avoid the spread of bacteria.
  • Fill the mouthwash with enough mouth rinse.
  • Drink a small amount of the liquid (do not swallow) and rinse it thoroughly. Try the front and sides of the mouth exposed to mouth rinse.
  • Raise your head back 45 degrees, open your mouth, and exhale through your mouth so that it sounds "ahhh". Try to keep the small valve at the back of the throat (epiglottis) closed so that no gargling fluid is accidentally swallowed. Gargles will coat the back of the mouth with the liquid, remove vitus, bacteria and fungus, and relieve sore throat.
  • Finally, remove the mouthwash that is in the mouth. After that continue cleaning teeth by brushing teeth or using dental floss (dental floss).
Besides good for oral health and teeth, gargling and gargle can also be done to relieve various symptoms of diseases such as inflammation of the throat, sore throat, itchy throat, pharyngitis, tonsillitis (inflammation of the tonsils), to prevent the formation of tonsil stones. For these diseases, the mouthwash used is a salt solution. The solution is obtained by mixing ½-1 teaspoon of salt with a glass of warm water. Mouthwash can indeed help prevent tooth decay, but don't rinse your mouth immediately after brushing your teeth. Do not also eat or drink after using fluoridated mouthwash, at least for the first 30 minutes. Oh yes, if you have children under 6 years, do not give mouth-based mouthwash because it is prone to swallowing.


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